Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

Success starts herePK3 through 8th Grade


“A child must know that he is a miracle, 自从开天辟地以来就没有, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him.”

Pablo Casals

卢尔德圣母天主教学前班为我们最年轻的学习者提供了一个充满信仰的环境. Since its inception in 1997, 我们的学前班营造了一个全面培养孩子的环境.

我们的PK-3和PK-4课程鼓励独立和成长,同时发展社交技能和参与创造力. 所有的项目都提供各种各样的体验,让孩子们参与其中,为他们的成功做好准备, while providing a smooth transition to Kindergarten.

我们的学生能够与不同年龄的群体互动,并参与许多激发创造力和鼓励精神成长的学习活动, academic, social and physical development.

A Typical Preschool Day

虽然我们确实提供了一个结构化和一致的学习计划, 我们也保持足够的灵活性,允许自发的学习时刻. 随着生活中各种事件的自然展开,我们将注意力转移到课程中.


  • Convenient, safe drop-off (7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m.).
  • 学校从早上的广播开始(星条旗), Morning prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, 背诵OLOL的彩乐园应用下载和学校公告,如生日和活动.).
  • Circle time, alphabet, numbers, weather, calendar, show-and-tell, music and dance, arts and crafts, sharing time.
  • Outdoor/gross motor activity.
  • Nutritious snacks with story time.
  • 学习中心(这些中心不断变化和发展,以配合发展阶段).
  • Lunch Time in the classroom.
  • Indoor Activity.
  • School day ends with afternoon prayer and announcements.
  • Convenient, safe pick-up (2:45 p.m. -3:00 p.m.).



在学前班,学生们以适合年龄的方式接触天主教社区的信仰生活. Students participate in daily prayer, weekly religion lessons, and practice making the sign of the cross correctly. They also attend weekly school masses. 学生们全年都参加学校赞助的管理项目.

Emergent Reading

学前班的学生会接触到大写字母和小写字母, which include: letter recognition, letter formation, letter sounds, and name and sight word recognition. 学生通过听故事和对故事的反应来参与预读策略. 使用语言艺术中心和游戏来促进学习.


通过数字识别向学生介绍数学技能, counting, identifying shapes, making patterns, and one to one correspondence.


学前班的学生学习抄写字母和数字,写自己的姓和名. Centers, games, 艺术项目帮助学前班学生发展和加强书写和着色所需的肌肉技术.

Gross Motor Skills

学前班的学生喜欢每天的室内和室外活动,这些活动提供了提高大肌肉运动技能的机会. Students learn body awareness, balance, laterality, coordination of large muscle groups, 和空间方向,以使学生意识到他们的身体与其他物体和/或人的关系.

Fine Motor Skills

学前班学生通过发展和加强手眼协调的活动来锻炼精细运动技能. Puzzles, pegboards, beads, art projects, and games are used to practice these skills, 合适的铅笔握持和正确的剪刀操作需要哪些技巧.

Social & Emotional

社交和情感技能是在学前班学习的最重要的技能. Some of these skills include: respect, listening, sharing, taking turns, transitioning, following directions, and making good choices. 能够认识和识别自己和同学的感受是社会课程的一个组成部分.



In addition to the core curriculum, 卢尔德圣母天主教学校的学生享有各种专业


All students receive weekly instruction in Spanish. 西班牙语课程采用与年龄相适应的创造性活动, interesting and engaging classroom environment.

K - 5年级的学生每周访问一次西班牙语教室,重点学习口语的基本语言技能, listening, comprehension, reading and writing.

六至八年级的学生每周接受两次西班牙语教学, further deepening their knowledge. Through hands-on activities, songs, games and projects, 学生既获得了语言技能,又获得了更强的文化意识.


视觉艺术教育对创造性表达的发展很重要. 透过视觉艺术的学习,培养学生的创造力和自信心. 我们的视觉艺术课程为学生提供审美体验,并建立对各种文化的理解和欣赏.

K - 8年级的学生每周与我们的艺术老师在艺术套房见面. Students are instructed in Art history, drawing, painting, 而雕塑作品以及其他各种方法和媒介. 他们被鼓励创作自己的美丽和个性的作品.


音乐教育是儿童教育的重要组成部分. 通过音乐,学生培养创造力、想象力和表达能力. 音乐课程向学生介绍广泛的文化意识和对艺术的更深层次的欣赏,同时发展终身技能.

PK3 - 8年级的学生每周在音乐套房参加音乐课程. Our focus is on developing young singing voices, learning music skills, appreciating music, and sharing musical gifts. Elementary students work on learning rhythm, 阅读笔记和掌握适合年龄的歌曲曲目.


我们的体育课程旨在培养必要的技能和经验,使学生在身体上受益, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. By fostering physical fitness, teamwork, 选择健康的生活方式,建立积极的自我概念.

班前3至8年级的小学生每周在我们的户外运动设施享受体育课. Through fun, fitness and fair play, our students develop eye-hand coordination, basic strength, balance and agility. 他们学习各种运动的技巧和规则. The elements of improving personal skill level, supporting teammates, 尊重对手和体育精神的质量是强调.